Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hitler's Mustache Trainer

This had to be hands down one of my favorite pieces in the museum. I'm not exactly sure what to say about this so I'll leave it up to you.

Russian Campaign

Poster's were made in a cartoonish style so it would be easier for people who were illiterate to understand what was going on at the time.

Hiroshima & Nagasaki

These are the orders to drop bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They thought the bombs would end the war because of their devastating strength and destruction.

Mao Tse-tung Christmas Dinner

The Americans would give gifts to the Chinese, they would be things they weren't able to receive themselves. The Chinese found a tree outside and put lights on it and they sang songs of working men while the Americans sang Christmas carols.

Camouflage Dress

This was one of my favorite pieces in the museums. Because of the shortage in material people had to find another way to make clothes. One of the ways was using the camouflage parachutes that were left on the ground.  

Helene Klein's Doll

This was one of the many relics from the concentration camps. It shows us how the people still tried to live an almost normal life. It's been sewed back together by some of the cloth they wore in the concentration camps.

Flag of Henri Simon

This is part of the French Resistance to Nazi Rule. It is the Flag of Henri Simon. It was given to a man named Charles de Gaulle by Reseau Froment, a communist group in France. He didn't accept it because they didn't support the Resistance until Germany invaded Russia.

Enigma Code Machines

This was one of the first things we saw when we first walked into the museum. This is one of the many Enigma Code Machines. German's used this to send codes to each other. They always assumed no on had been able to crack them but the British did. At times they cracked it very easily.